The Avengers
If you just watch the trailers or TV spots, it appears on the outside to be a standard superhero movie. Not so. This promises to be unlike anything we've seen before: it's more than just an ensemble action movie. This isn't a sequel. Or a spin-off. This is something entirely new, a culmination of four different movie franchises all leading to this project. The heroes of the Iron Man movies, The Incredible Hulk, Thor, and Captain America: The First Avenger come together (in the same time period) to form the title team and save the world. The villain is Loki, Thor's brother, who has an army of aliens looking to conquer Earth. If that sounds familiar, re-watch the films listed above: none of them features a plot about saving the world.
And I haven't even gotten to the best part: it's written and directed by Joss Whedon! Haven't heard of him? I'm not surprised. Well, you will. The creator of TV's Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Firefly is finally getting his shot at something big-budget and mainstream and will undoubtedly impress fans around the world. (Tony Stark's dialogue written by Whedon the master? I can't even imagine!)
The impressive cast includes returning stars Robert Downey, Jr., Chris Hemsworth, Chris Evans, Scarlett Johansson, newcomers Mark Ruffalo and Jeremy Renner, and Samuel L. Jackson as the eyepatch-wearing badass Nick Fury, the leader of the team. I've never been a fan of comic books so I know next to nothing of what to expect, except for one of the best movies of the summer.

Dark Shadows
The newest Tim Burton-Johnny Depp smorgasbord is even weirder than usual. Based on a soap opera no one's ever heard of, Depp plays a vampire imprisoned in a coffin for 200 years, only to escape in 1972 and take up residence with his descendants in their mansion. Part comedy, part...I don't even know what this is supposed to be going for...horror? Action? Maybe just supernatural comedy. I'm not sure exactly what the movie is, and if I don't know, then neither will moviegoers, so this probably won't be any good.
But Burton has a devoted fan base who have accepted him as their own personal Goth God, so this will naturally be a hit.
The cast also includes (duh) Helena Bonham Carter, Eva Green (Casino Royale), Chloe Grace Moretz (Kick-Ass), and Jackie Earle Haley (Watchmen).

Wednesday, May 16th
The Dictator
Following the immense success of Borat (and the less successful but equally funny Bruno), the always-controversial Sacha Baron Cohen is unleashing his newest character on the world. This time he plays a Saddam Hussein-like dictator of a Middle Eastern country who comes to America and experiences culture shock when he is stripped of his rank. While his earlier films experimented in Punk'd-style interactions with non-actors, and were based on existing characters, this is a traditionally scripted movie and therefore less likely to end in lawsuits against its star.
The guy is offensive but usually knows which buttons to push, so I'm a fan, and I'll be looking forward to it.
The other big movie opening this week, which will undoubtedly top The Dictator at the box office, is Battleship, which is being marketed as Transformers at Sea. Yep, this is based on the old board game. (Say it with me...you sunk my battleship!!!) I grew up playing this game- still have it stashed in a closet somewhere- and I think this movie looks like the biggest piece of garbage of the summer.

Friday, May 25th
Men in Black III
This film joins the grand Hollywood tradition of long-delayed sequels. Ten years after the last film (and fifteen years after the original), this threequel brings the world of the MIB back, a world where different species of aliens live on Earth, in secret but in peace. Until the bad-guy aliens come down looking to take over. Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones reunite with original director Barry Sonnenfeld. This go-round, Agent J goes to work one day to find Agent K has disappeared from the face of the earth. He goes back in time to 1969 to find a younger K, played by Josh Brolin (Milk), and together they stop the bad guy from changing history.
Converting to time travel may be an old ploy, but it makes sense in this universe, and it's all for good fun, so I say tally-ho, even though it looks trifling and forgettable. (Anyone remember Men in Black II? Yeah, I didn't think so.)
Forgive me if I'm long-winded sometimes, but it's only because I get excited. There's even more good stuff coming out in the other summer months. Prometheus! The Amazing Spider-Man! Brave! And the piece de resistance, The Dark Knight Rises! Get ready for summer 2012, sure to be one of the best movie summers of the last decade!
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